OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and the Global Harmonization System (GHS) Quiz

The presentation you just completed is required training on updates to the MIOSHA Hazard Communication Standard and the Global Harmonization System (GHS) of labeling and classifying chemicals.

All employees working with hazardous chemicals are required to complete this training by December 1, 2013.

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

OSHA Hazard Communication/GHS Update Training Quiz

Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities using the material you just read.

1. Every Safety Data Sheet (SDS) should contain 16 sections in the same order. *
2. Which of these are examples of health hazards? (check all that apply) *
3. Acute health effects occur gradually over time. *
4. Which signal word on a label represents the most severe hazard? *
5. Your employer is required to inform you of the location and availability of the written Hazard Communication Plan and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for the chemicals in your workplace. *