Wayne State University and the Detroit Jazz Festival are looking for Metro-Detroit's best young jazz musicians for the All-Star Youth Ensemble.
Jazz week is July 22-26,2024.
Fields with asterisks (*) are required.
The audition is designed to allow you to demonstrate excellence in two areas: -Jazz Improvisation -Sight Reading
PART 1: PREPARED PIECE: Choose a Standard jazz tune from the following list (or identify a tune of your choice and bring a lead sheet) to play with the Wayne State Rhythm section. We are listening for improvisation skills, jazz vocabulary, and stylistic definition. The tune must be memorized. Accepted Standard Jazz Tunes: Take the "A" train, Groovin High, Confirmation, Ceora, Autumn Leaves, All the things you are, any song with "I got rhythm" changes, Little Sun Flower, Song for my Father, Speak Low, any "medium-up tempo" blues, Shiny Stockings, Joy Spring, Nica's Dream, Strollin, I'll remember April, On Green Dolphin Street, Giant Steps, Moment's Notice, Whisper Not, Along Came Betty Other (Please bring 3 copies of a lead sheet to the audition)
PART 2: SIGHT READING: We will provide several sight-reading examples in different styles. 40 students will receive full scholarships to attend Jazz Week at Wayne State University, July 22-26, 2024 (10:00am-4:00pm daily, lunch provided)-an intensive one week immersion in jazz improvisation, small and large ensemble playing, theory, and styles with WSU Jazz faculty and guest artists. All participants will also participate in the opening performance of the 2024 Detroit Jazz Festival in a marching New Orleans Jazz performance along with legend Shannon Powell.
We are searching for outstanding soloists, section players and lead players to perform in the Detroit Jazz Festival All-Star Youth Ensemble on a main stage at the 2024 Detroit Jazz Festival with select guest artists.
The Detroit Jazz Festival All-Star Youth Ensemble will be chosen from Jazz Week students; The All-Star Youth Ensemble will perform during the 2024 Detroit Jazz Festival (Labor Day Weekend). Rehearsals take place the week prior to the festival-dates TBD.