Wayne State Law School - Job Postings (12twenty Website)

Wayne State University Law School Policy Against Discrimination:

Wayne State University Law School is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for all its students and alumni and is committed to a policy against discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or disability. The facilities and services of the Law School's Office of Career Success may be denied to employers whose behavior does not comply with the university's nondiscrimination policy. 

The Office of Career Success requires all employers who use its placement services to affirm compliance with the nondiscrimination policy detailed above. 

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Your Contact Information

Note: If candidates are submitting application materials by e-mail, please include the preferred inbox address below.

Position Information

Would you like your position posted blind? If you select yes, we will not post the employer name. *
Please Select if You Are Seeking Students and/or Alumni *
If you have selected student in the above field, please indicate which level you are seeking. *
Will you consider hiring a recent graduate awaiting bar results? *

Position Posting Details

Job Type: The position(s) we are seeking will be... *
What format will the candidate be working in? *

Note: The following questions regarding your organization and job description will be posted as the bulk of the job posting on our Student/Alumni job board website.


Note: The Wayne Law Office of Career and Professional Development does not post unpaid positions for private-sector employers.

Available Postions at Employer

Hiring Information and Candidate Qualifications

GPA: Do you prefer or require applicants to contain a minimum GPA? *
Law Review: Student is a member of Law Review *
Moot/Court/Mock Trial: Student is a member of Moot Court/Mock Trial (Student Trial Advocacy) *
Advanced Degree Preference: We ask that candidates have obtained an advanced degree in... *
Technical Background: We ask that candidates possess a technical background in the following area(s). *
Additional Languagues: We work with clientele and community members that required candidates to possess the following language(s). *
Undergraduate Degree Preference: We ask that candidates have obtained an undergraduate degree in... *
Previous Experience: We ask that candidates possess previous experience in the following area(s). *

If any qualifications for the role being shared do not apply to the above fields, please indicate these in the below field.

Other Qualification(s): We ask that candidates possess qualification(s) in the following area(s). *

Application Materials

Application Materials: Please indicate below all required application materials for candidates to submit. *

Company and Candidate Details

The Office of Career Success requires all employers who use its placement services to affirm compliance with the following nondiscrimination policy: 

Employer gives assurance that it is an equal opportunity employer, offering employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or disability. *
Will you require law student employees/interns to sign a mandatory arbitration agreement? *