STARS 2.0 Enhancement Submission

STARS 2.0 enhancement ideas can be submitted using the form below. For additional information on writing enhancement proposals and on STARS 2.0 enhancement "roadmap" policies, see

Upon submission, the WSU STARS 2.0 Project Management Team will review the submission, provide feedback or request clarification (if necessary), and then submit submissions to the STARS 2.0 Development Team. You will be notified once your submission is forwarded. 

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Contact Information

Things to consider

Enhancement ideas should be tied to the bigger picture at our institution, includng “how” and “why” it would be important to our student success efforts. When submitting an enhancement, please indicate how your idea addresses the following concerns:
• What specific problem are you trying to solve with this idea? How could it affect our ability to graduate more students, in less time, with better outcomes?
• How do you solve the problem today (within or outside of STARS)?
• How would you ideally solve the problem?
• How big is the problem/opportunity? What would the impact be across our institution, what is the frequency of impact, and who is impacted?
• What would happen at our institution if we were unable to solve the problem through STARS?

Enhancement submission