Graduate Summer Grant Program

The Humanities Center invites applications from all graduate students in the humanities, arts, and related disciplines who seek a small summer grant for research projects that will make a significant contribution to the humanities broadly defined. Proposals will be adjudicated on the merit of the proposed research project, its potential impact on one or more scholarly fields, and its relevance to the humanities more generally. Applications are due by February 21, 2025.

Graduate Summer Fellowship coversheet 24-25.pdf

The Center will fund up to two proposals with up to $1,000 each. Funding may be used for:

  • Research assistance
  • Research expenses
  • Travel (excluding to conferences)

Recipients must expend their funds during the summer of 2025. They will be expected to submit a report to the Center about their activities by September 1, 2025.

Please note: If your project involves human subjects or animals, you must secure IRB approval before applying for this fellowship opportunity.


All WSU graduate students in the humanities, arts, and related disciplines are eligible to submit proposals, with the following exceptions:

  • Students who will graduate before Fall 2025.
  • Students who received a Graduate Summer Fellowship Award from the Center within the last two years.

Guidelines for Proposal

Each proposal must consist of a narrative of no more than eight double spaced pages (excluding the application cover page), a detailed budget, and the professional record(s) of the applicant(s). An applicant may only submit one proposal.

The body of the proposal must include the following elements:

1. A completed application cover page with all required signatures.

2. A project narrative, which includes sections with the following titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Significance and contribution to field
  • Theoretical framework and/or methodology
  • Project overview
  • Project timeline for grant period
  • Relation of the project to the humanities (For the Center’s definition of the humanities, click here.)

3. A bibliography of relevant sources (not to exceed one page).

4. A detailed budget and justification by category, explaining the budget summary on the application cover page. Applicants should limit their total budgets to $1,000 or less.

5. The professional records and contact information of all applicants.


1. A complimentary copy of the final product (article, dissertation, exhibition catalog, video, etc.) must be submitted to the Humanities Center.

2. Recipients must acknowledge the Humanities Center’s support within any publication.

3. Recipients must expend their funds and submit a report on their project to the Humanities Center by September 1, 2025.

4. Recipients are encouraged to discuss their projects in a Brown Bag sponsored by the Center.

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.