CareerCraft Summer Workshops in Electrical Engineering

Wayne State University's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is offering four free hybrid* workshops this summer. The workshops will focus on critical areas in the automotive electronics field: semiconductor engineering, circuit design, power electronics, and printed-circuit-board. Workshops are funded by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation TAT Semiconductor grants.

Workshop titles and dates** are provided below:

  • Semiconductors and Sensors for Automotives (April 28 - May 2)
  • Semiconductor Chip Design and Verification (May 5-9)
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design (May 12-16) 
  • Power Converters for EVs and Renewable Energy (May 19 - 23)

* Workshops will consist of virtual workshops and hands-on in person sessions at Wayne State campus. Please reach out to if you have questions.

**Workshops will take place between 1-6 PM.

The submission deadline for the initial workshop is April 5. Each workshop will have a maximum capacity of 30 participants. The organizing committee will evaluate the applications and make selections.

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

CareerCraft Application Form

Welcome to the CareerCraft Application Page! Please choose the workshop you are interested in and provide the brief information requested.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Gozde Tutuncuoglu at

Which program are you interested in? (You can choose multiple) *