Maria Gonzalez 2024

A scholarship fund named for late School of Information Sciences colleague Dr. María Gonzalez has been set up for students working with underrepresented collections at Wayne State’s Walter P. Reuther Library. María inspired faculty, alumni and students alike, teaching in the classroom and working in the community at organizations like Detroit’s co-working and business incubator, the Green Garage.
The successful applicant must:
  • be an MLIS student focusing on Archives;
  • be in good academic standing;
  • demonstrate financial need
 The award consists of a $1500 stipend.
Applicants should be able to commit to 100 hours of on-site archival processing and records management work with the Labor and Urban Affairs Archivist. Preference will be given to applicants who have completed the introductory archival administration course INF 7710/ HIS 7840. This position requires the ability to climb a ladder and to lift, shelve, and retrieve boxes weighing up to 40 pounds.
This opportunity is awarded annually in the spring/summer semester. Financial need is determined by the WSU Financial Aid office.
Applications are due by July 12.

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