Online Bid Submission / C.S. Mott Lab Renovations

Online Bid or RFP Submission Form 

Use this form to send your electronic copy of your Quote or RFP Submission. You may upload PDF, Word, or Excel documents. Upon completion, you will receive notice that your submission was successful.

Note: You are limited to three attachments. Normally, a single response proposal or bid in PDF is sufficient, but if the RFP calls separately for an Excel submission and/or a Word document, there are additional upload buttons for this.

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

The Information Below may be found on your Schedule D

Did you include Schedule A *
Can you meet the Insurance Requirements in Schedule B *
Did you include Schedule C *
Did you include Schedule D *
Can your company commence on or before the date shown in the RFP Calendar of Events?
Did you attend the Prebid Meeting?
Did your company provide any exceptions or restricted services as an Exhibit 1 to your Proposal? *
Are the above prices quoted per WSU Wage Rates *
Please Acknolwedge Addenda Related to this Project Below. Note that there are more selections than actual Addenda. Only select those that apply.
Are you or any Officer, Owner or Partner in this company an employee of Wayne State University, or have you been an employee within the past 24 months? *
Are any family members of any Officer, Owner or Partner in this company employees of Wayne State University? *

If your submission transfers successfully, you will receive an immediate verification form. Print this form as your confirmation. If accurate, click the continue button to finalize your submission.