Request for a public livestream event


Major units can schedule and run their own streaming events that have targeted or limited audiences. This request form is designed for campus-wide or broader audience streaming events available on

In-person events

Ensure any in-person event has been requested first through the Special Events office. Additionally, camera equipment and operators will need to be requested through University Television. Depending on the scope of the event the Web Team may include them in all discussions.


Due to the high demand for streaming and caption services, requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event date. The earlier the better.


All streaming events, regardless of which department or technology they are run through, if they are university-sponsored must adhere to the university privacy policy and accessibility policy (live captioner, CART services required). This means equal access must be provided for the audience. RSVP required events should include the following question to ensure all reasonable accommodations are met. 

"We are committed to ensuring accessibility for all guests. Please submit requests for any accommodations you may need."


After this initial request, a member of the Web Team will reach out to ask additional questions and to confirm if the university YouTube account is available at the desired date and time. Please do not promote an event live stream until you receive confirmation of availability. 


If you have questions before or while you're filling out this form, please contact the Web Team at

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Contact information



Request live chat *
Have you contacted University Television? *
Have you contacted Special Events? *